Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Last day of class. This class has taught me alot about blogging and the internet. The interesting things such as HTML coding and online safety. I will miss this class and the funny moments we had in here. this has been great and i enjoyed this class very much. well. Show's over. But only for now :p Later days.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Persona 4 The Golden: In game TV listings

Persona4G brings players inside the tv world more interactively than the original persona 4
The Vita versoin has TV programs that arnt just the weather channel. you can see clips from the persona 4 anime, you can go through the games soundtrack and play a quiz game show with teddie.
Persona 4 The golden is still slated for a fall release with no official date in the US

Sony Making Killzone Vita Teaser

Sony is currently attempting to put together a trailer for killzone for the vita. This was a post by sony.
"My sons and my daughters, today we take the first step toward our imperial future.

For years, this once-great nation has stagnated in the shadow of its enemies. Governed by scoundrels who flaunted the ideals established by my father, these traitors… these enemies of our race have diluted and exploited the triad of Duty, Obedience, and Loyalty.

This regime, this corrupt regime, has been dissolved. In its place does rise an era of stability and strength. A time of opportunity born from a promise that we shall return our people to their proper sphere of dominance."
If you dont know Killzone or we're too lazy to read that (i Know. TL:DR)
 Duty, Obedience and loyalty are the 3 virtues of the helghast.
So hopefully we'll be able to see something new soon

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Persona 4: The Golden Available in america this fall.

Persona 4 the golden is an updated version of the JRPG Persona 4 that will be releasing some time this fall. This is one of my favorite game series' EVER and i will most definately be getting this game. The Updated persona 4 the golden will include much more than the original had such as:
  • A bike that allows you to go to another town
  • Revised and updated graphics
  • A Winter event 
  • New Persona for the main cast
  • A New character 
  • rotating tv shows and a quiz with Teddie
  • And Finally, Team Attacks.